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Showing posts with label English Jokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Jokes. Show all posts

Saturday 22 February 2014

Sister to brother

Sister to brother: what r u going to gift grandma on
her b'day?
Brother : A football
Sister : But grandma does not play.
Brother : On my b'day she gave me bhagvad gita.
Uska kya?:-)


Go hide! your teacher is coming as you bunked
school today!
GRANDSON: YOU go hide… I told her YOU

Friday 5 July 2013

If You're Not Sure

If you're not sure
    don't guess...
Wrong guesses
    are costly

Birds Sing after a Storm

"Birds sing after a storm,
why shouldn't we?"
   - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Thursday 4 July 2013

The First step towards Solving a Problem

The first step towards solving a problem is to begin.

When Friends are in Trouble

When friends are in trouble, don't bother them by asking if there is anything you can do. Think of something appropriate and do it.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

A Notice on the Dining tables in a Hotel

A notice on the dining tables in a hotel: "Cutlery, salt and pepper holders, sugar basins, ashtrays, flower vases etc., are not medicaments. They should not be taken after meals."

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